Lake Sevan, tourquise Armenian “sea”
We were coming back at Sevan few times. Cool water on high of 1900 meters will remind us on one hand small snakes on the east coast and on the other fast watercraft on the west.
We were coming back at Sevan few times. Cool water on high of 1900 meters will remind us on one hand small snakes on the east coast and on the other fast watercraft on the west.
And now it’s the time for Armenia! And on the border we are meeting another white car, with Polish number plate and non-Germans living in Berlin. So first Armenian night… in the monastery we will spend together.
After coming back to Georgia we decided to still jump out of Tbilisi for a short trip on the west from South Ossetia. First night in the tent and long fight to find a soup…
So from now on we will go only west. Last meetings with friends, last interview, last car workshop visit… and driving into direction of Georgia. Our visa will expire in two days.
Too hot in Baku to stay there any longer. But luckily we have friends which have a sweet house in the mountains, on the north, in Qusar – in the capital of Lezgins, one of the ethnic minority group in Azerbaijan.
So here we reached the most eastern point of our trip: still beyond Baku, small town Zira, the Caspian Sea beach and Artyom Island.
In this biggest Caucasus’ city I have learnt something about myself: I can have too much of the sun! 42 Celsius degrees didn’t let us discover as much as we wanted.
Getting closer to Hanna’s first birthday, we spend some days in northwestern Azerbaijan, where rivers are not made by water but stones.
After super-relaxed Georgia time for empty and dry Azerbaijan with different religion, far to many pictures of the president in each village and hot as bath Caspian Sea.
No, no, we haven’t stopped our trip! More and more people are asking what happened than since some weeks nothing appeared on our blog. The explanation is very pragmatic: our car and laptop have to be fixed and it takes time (especially when you are changing place of stay almost each day). But as soon Read More
Georgian capital is the first place we seriously consider as a place to come back for longer. People, city structure, food – so many people have already told us that Tbilisi is “their place on earth”. Maybe ours too?
Many people on our way told us that we should make more babies because Hanna is so sweet and smart. So… we took it serious and our family without borders will come back to Berlin from the Black Sea trip a bit enlarged.
Mniam mniam mniam – one of the very meaningful phrase of our Hanna. Georgian speciality: khinkali, in Pankisi taste better than anywhere else.
– Better not go to Pankisi valley just like this, people there are not so open – we heard in before. And during three our days there we had absolutely perfect hosts and we felt more welcome than anywhere.
So we reached the point in which we are a bit afraid that we will not see anything more impressing on our way. We visited Kazbegi, in the heart of Caucasus Mountains.
First few hours in Georgia: absolutely lovely valley in Adjura and super friendly and helpful people (including whore-house staff and… the police). Did we find our place on earth?
Our days in Russia were like one big stomachache before the big exam – and long ours on the ferry to Turkey were like feeling just after the exam: all emotions pouring down our bodies and minds.
Very soon it will be 6 years when Beslan massacre took place. But in destroyed school building people are still crying.
Every morning the same game: Maybe a fast cigarette with shaking, sweating hands before starting? Shit I don’t smoke anymore. Or a sip of vodka? Bullshit, it’s morning. I feel like puking – have to find to a tree. I am sick. Starting the car means inevitable consequences. I feel just like in school times Read More
All bad what happened on our trip until now – happened during our one week in Russia. Why one week if we had 4-days transit visa? Police, closed border, police, car workshop, again police: they know the answer…