By the sea, away from Russia
Our days in Russia were like one big stomachache before the big exam – and long ours on the ferry to Turkey were like feeling just after the exam: all emotions pouring down our bodies and minds.
Our days in Russia were like one big stomachache before the big exam – and long ours on the ferry to Turkey were like feeling just after the exam: all emotions pouring down our bodies and minds.
Very soon it will be 6 years when Beslan massacre took place. But in destroyed school building people are still crying.
Every morning the same game: Maybe a fast cigarette with shaking, sweating hands before starting? Shit I don’t smoke anymore. Or a sip of vodka? Bullshit, it’s morning. I feel like puking – have to find to a tree. I am sick. Starting the car means inevitable consequences. I feel just like in school times Read More
All bad what happened on our trip until now – happened during our one week in Russia. Why one week if we had 4-days transit visa? Police, closed border, police, car workshop, again police: they know the answer…