Bulgaria | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family


Downtoown Burgas (Bulgaria)

Bulgaria with friends

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Goodbye Black Sea but hello friends! Back to EU and again easier to meet them. Mariya in Burgas, then Marina and Reuben in Sofia, and Heike – at the airport, joining us for last week of the trip.

Last time at the Black Sea in Arapia (Bulgaria)

Goodbye our Black Sea

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It was much easier to drive directly from Turkey to Sofia but we decided to still visit our Black Sea. To say goodbye, to get this last impression. (Attention! I’m getting sentimental)


How is Hanna?

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Today Hanna is 10 months old! Last weeks were a crazy fast change of life with her. And I’m not talking about different countries or climates – but discovering the world.

The Family Without Borders first time together on the Black Sea in Varna (Bulgaria)

Touching our Black Sea

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A visit-surprise for Tom’s parents changed our plan to touch Bulgaria in September. We crossed to Danube river for two days already now to visit Hanna’s grandmother and grandfather.

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