Since the existing of our blog quite some people wrote or reported about us. We thought, it might be interesting for you to list those articles, because they provide another view on us, ask questions, might go particulary deeper than our blog does. Plus we are of course very about it!
It’s quite a language mix: Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian, Chinese and Japanese.
As journalists we also publish articles. The ones which are available online you will find at the end of this page. Some prints you will find on our facebook page, most we still have to find time to scan…
Others about us
2016-01-21, Jason Hunt
We won the 1st place of Polands most important Blog Ranking!
Ranking najbardziej wpływowych blogerów 2015 roku
02.02.2016-02-02, Funkhaus Europa
Anna Alboth: Inność przyszła do nas
Funkhaus Europa is a German foreign language radio station
2016-02-12, @ Dzień Dobry TVN
Wielu Polaków przeciwko uchodźcom. Dlaczego?
TVN is Polands biggest private TV station
2015-12-15, Family Vehicle Guide
20 Top Family Travel Blogs for 2015 – Get Inspired and Take Action!
2015-08-1, Nomad Bébé
The Alboths: Traveling With 2 Kids for Months At A Time!
2015-08-31, matatorNetwork
This traveling family decided to settle down for their daughter’s first year in school. Here’s why.
2015-07-17, RayanAir Blog – Into the Blue
Baby On Board: Tips For Flying With Under Twos
Corporate Blog
Podróżowanie bez granic z dziećmi! is a polish family portal
2015-03-08, radio
Deutschlandfunk: Sonntagsspaziergang – Live von der ITB 2015 / Interview (in German)
Deutschlandfunk is Germanys biggest public radio station
2014-12-26, radio
Z dziećmi przez świat (in Polish)
Polskie Radio is the main polish state radio station
2014-12-28, TV
Rodzina Bez Granic @ Pytanie na śniadanie, TVP2 (in Polish)
TVP the main polish public TV station
2014-10-01, live magazine of IKEA
Communal living – Home story
available in: CN, CS, DE, DK, EN, ES, IT, JP, SE, LT, FR, FI, NO, NL, HR, HU, PL, PT, RO, SK
live – The IKEA magazine (print and online)
2014-08-15, travel blog
The Family Without Borders (in English) – Online magazine for full-time travelers
2014-07-08, fathers blog
10 Fragen an Daddy Thomas Alboth (in German) – Award winning German father’s blog
2014-02-01, newspaper
Plauener mit zwei Babys bei den Mayas (print version) (in German)
Freie Presse biggest Newspaper in Saxony
2013-10-24, family portal
Z dziećmi w świat, czyli prawdziwe historie podróżujących rodzin (in Polish) is a Polish family portal
2013-10-07, travel portal
Każda podróż to czas spędzony razem (in Polish)
Fabryka Podroznika is a Polish travel portal
2013-09-09, womens magazine
Auto, mama, tata i papuga (in Polish)
magazine Wysokie Obcasy is a weekend addition to Gazeta Wyborcza
2013-09-09, magazine
Z dzieckiem w plecaku (in Polish)
Sens is a monthly magazine
2013-09-09, portal
Reisen ohne Grenzen (in German) is a German portal for young people
2013-08-25, portal
Семејството кое нема граници во патувањето (in Macedonian) is a Macedonian lifestyle web portal
2013-08-18, portal
La familia nómada: una nueva manera de viajar (y procrear) (in Spanish)
El Confidencial is a Spanish news portal of the best spanish journalists
2013-03-03, magazine
Epic family journey (in English)
Baku Magazine
2013-08-25, portal
Семејството кое нема граници во патувањето (in Macedonian) is Macedonian portal
2013-08-24, portal
Obitelj koja ne poznaje granice (in Croatian)
IndexHR is Croatian portal
2013-08-24, portal
Porodica bez granica posjetila BiH i oduševila se prirodnim ljepotama (in Bosnian)
Klix is a big Bosnian news portal
2013-06-18, portal
Anna Alboth – Rodzina bez Granic (in Polish) is a portal for travelling people
2013-04-10, TV
Wiadomości TVP (in Polish)
TVP info is important TV news
2013-03-25, news portal
Attention! Baby on Board: An Interview With a Travelling Blogger Family (in English, Greek, French, Catalan, Spanish, Macedonian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese)
Global Voices is a world wide topics’ portal
2013-02-20, family portal
Nigdy nie stawialiśmy pytania “czy warto”?, po prostu się pakowaliśmy! (in Polish)
Czas Dzieci is an important Polish website for parents
2013-01-18, blog
როცა „მინდა“ ნიშნავს „შემიძლიას“ (in Georgian)
Rainytrainy’s Blog
2012-10-25, travel magazine
Living the Dream: Roadtrip with babies [PDF]
[in EnglishHTML], [ in German PDF, HTML]
4seasons is a very nice and huge German outdoor magazine by globetrotter
2012-10-31, outdoor portal
Von Auto bis Windeln: Tipps fürs Reisen mit Kindern (Das ist Deutsch)
4seasons is a very nice and huge German outdoor magazine by globetrotter
2012-10-17, parents portal
Podróze z dziecmi, czyli Rodzina Bez Granic (in Polish) is an important portal for parents
2012-08-29, blog
Fortunate People (in English) is Indian blog
2012-08-23, newspaper
Dall’Est Europa al Centro America con due bebè (in Italian)
Il Fatto Quotidiano is an important Italian daily newspaper
2012-07-24, travel portal
Kwestionariusz podrózniczy #2: Rodzina Bez Granic (in Polish)
Travellers Portal Peron4
2012-07-13, women’s magazine
Rodzina bez Granic: przez świat z dziećmi w ramionach (in Polish)
Wysokie Obcasy is an important life style magazine in Poland
2012-07-11, travel portal
Šeima be sienų (in Lithuanian) is Lithuanian portal about travelling
2012-06-19, women’s portal
Być szczęśliwą (in Polish)
Speł is a Polish website for women
2012-06-15, parent’s portal
Z dziećmi w drodze na co dzień (in Polish) is a Polish portal about parenthood
2012-05-29, portal
Hania w podróży (gallery, in Polish) is one of the biggest portals in Poland
2012-05-29, radio
Z dwójką dzieci pół roku po Ameryce (in Polish and German)
Funkhaus Europa is a German radio station
2012-03-25, blog
Poznaj Rodzinę Bez Granic! (in Polish) is a Polish popular blog
2012-03-22, outdoor portal
Członkowie Alpinus Testing Team nominowani do nagrody TRAVELERY 2011 (in Polish) is portal about outdoor activities
2012-03-17, newspaper
Албот – пътуващите с бебе на борда (in Bulgarian)
Dvenik one of the big Bulgarian newspapers.
2012-03-15, traveler’s portal
The Family Without Borders (in Polish)
Passio4Travel is portal for travelers
2012-03-7, radio
Rodzina bez Granic spotyka dobrych ludzi (in Polish)
Pocztowki ze swiata is a radio program for travelers in Radio Wnet
2012-03-6, flight’s portal
Rodzina bez granic (in Polish)
Tanie Loty is a popular website with good traveling options
February 2012 (#16), livestyle magazine
The family without borders (Print) // Web (in Romanian)
15minute is a Moldavien lifestyle magazine
2012-01-10, traveler’s portal
Rodzina przekracza kolejne granice (in Polish) is is portal for travelers
Anna Alboth: z dwójką dzieci jest trochę trudniej, ale dajemy radę (in Polish)
Travellers Portal Peron4
Niezły Meksyk
(in Polish)
Travellers Portal Peron4
EYP journalists adventure through the hot and windy roads of Central America (in English)
European Youth Press is European network of young media makers (
Blog Tygodnia: Rodzina Bez Granic (in Polish) is a Polish blog
Nomaden mit Elterngeld (in German)
tageszeitung is a very nice, left newspaper
Czy warto podróżować z dziećmi? (in Polish)
Polish portal
Šeima be sienu: su kudikiu – aplink Juodaja jura (in Lithuanian)
Moters savaite is a Lithuanian print magazine
On Radio Koszalin by Jagoda Koprowska (in Polish, 12 minutes)
Radio station Radio Koszalin, program Radiowy Klub Obiezyswiata (every Sunday, from 13.00 to 16.00)
Rodzina drogą silna (in Polish)
Blog of a Polish father
Spotkania wokół Morza Czarnego (photo gallery, in Polish)
Travellers Portal “peron4”
Z małą Hanią na Kaukazie (photo gallery, in Polish) – one of Polish biggest web portals
Podróż z dzieckiem wokół Morza Czarnego (in Polish) – one of Polish biggest web portals
Podróżując z dzieckiem (photo gallery, in Polish)
Travellers Portal “peron4”
On Radiofonia by Anna Morawiec (in Polish, 9 minutes)
Radio station
The Family Without Borders (in Italian)
Viaggiare i Balcani – online platform about traveling
9 krajów, 6 miesięcy, 3 osoby. Podróż z małą Hanią wokół Morza Czarnego (in Polish)
Travellers Portal “peron4”
6 mesi on the road a 6 mesi (.pdf / 4,7 MB) (in Italian)
Magazine “D” of La Repubblica
Travelling the Black Sea with a baby (in English)
Familie grenzenlos: Mit Baby unterwegs am Schwarzen Meer (in German)
Rodeando el mar Negro con un bebé (in Spanish)
L’Europe en couche : 9 pays en 6 mois avec un mioche (in French)
Podróz z dzieckiem przez Morze Czarne (in Polish)
Web Magazine “Café Babel”
Elf Länder, sechs Monate, ein Baby (in German)
Newspaper “Freie Presse” (Germany)
Telewizja Polska SA – Polska 24 Polish TV-Station
in Polish Rodzina bez granic (in Polish)
Blog of Krzysztof Kacprzyk
Cosa serve a nostra figlia? Genitori felici (in Italian)
Online Portal “lei web”
Rodzina bez granic ale za to z blogiem (in Polish)
Blog of Artur Kurasiński
Russia the most difficult, Georgia the loveliest (in English)
Web magazine “Wave”
20 de Junho de 2010 – Noite (in Portuguese, from 15th min)
Radio “Deutsche Welle”
(the German propaganda broadcasting)
(Don’t) Get Lost (in English)
Song by band Trike and Carsten F.
În turul Europei de Est la vârsta de 6 luni. Episodul Cluj. » (in Romanian)
Newspaper “Ziua de Cluj” (Romania)
Articles published by us
24 powody, dla których ludzie nie podróżują z dziećmi (in Polish)
Travellers Portal peron4
Wielka wlóczega z malym dzieckiem (in Polish)
“Dziecko” is the main Polish magazine for parents
Inne swiaty (in Polish)
“Dziecko” is the main Polish magazine for parents
Dookola morza (in Polish)
“Dziecko” is the main Polish magazine for parents
“To want” means “to be able to” (in English)
Online Portal “mladi info”
Futhermore we publish in the Gaga magazine, National Geographic Traveller and magazine Kontynenty. Some prints you will find on our facebook page.
This post is also available in: Polish