Miracles on Tanna Island
How we won with the system, then lost with the system and at the end had the most wonderful week on the far-away island of Vanuatu (South Pacific).
How we won with the system, then lost with the system and at the end had the most wonderful week on the far-away island of Vanuatu (South Pacific).
So… we had in our hands a little paper with name „Saraken“. We knew he lives on the Atchin island (which is close to Malekula island in Vanuatu) and that his daughter Rachel works in Port Vila in a hotel. We knew he lives with his wife and little Nanneth, daughter of Rachel. And we Read More
The main island of Vanuatu: Efate, can be beautiful but can get also boring. We wanted to leave it as fast as possible, but we couldn’t.
Laptops, tablets, smartphoes. Hey dear parents, you really can’t take care about your kids without those things??
Last year on the world’s largest tourism trade fair ITB Berlin, we talked with just few people. The nicest guy was from… Vanuatu. From where? Is it a country, a city, an island? How many people know the answer? And know anything about Vanuatu? Do you?
A little video of Hanna teaching the kids of Fiji how to sing “Brother John” nursery song. Music always bring people together!
Looks amazing? Like from those holidays’ folders, which annoy you, when you sit in your office or have to clean up at home? Blue sky, turquoise ocean, palm trees. So far away and so inaccessible?
Learning – is probably the most important thing during our travels. Learning more about ourselves, learning to listen and understand the others, learning new skills. So here we go. How to prepare a nice lunch without a shop in Fiji?
„Miss of White Smile“, „Miss Extra Sugar Free“, „Best Smile of the Island“? Oh come on, ALL the smiles of Fiji are awesome. Let’s copy them? ;)
How amazing is to get into a village of strangers, with so different culture and habits and give each other the happiness of just being together, watching each other and learning new things, from each other.
There are a bit more than a 1,000 people living in this Levuka town nowadays and for few days we met maybe 5 white faces. Can you imagine that in 1870s there were 52 hotels full of Europeans?
Fiji is the 50th country I have visited. And I can already tell you: it’s my new favourite country.
Ocean, ocean, ocean for days and nights? This is a feeling not-to-forget-ever! Have you ever hitchhiked from Tonga to Fiji? ;)
Looong weeks in Tonga are a very good lesson of biology: which of those things, which are moving you can eat? Which of those leaves and fruits are edible?
2 weeks knocked out? No mama, no wife, no talks. Just a bed and thousands of thoughts.
After watching those pictures you might say: too crowded, too many people, too dirty. And you might be right. But those 24 hours on the ferry from south to north of Tonga was our best experience in this country.
The best thing about 3 days on the empty island? We could run naaaaaked ;) The worst? No sweet water sucks.
Since our first days in Tonga we kept on hearing about this guy. At the end we bumped into him on a small island. And his name is… Bruno Banani.
We are not exactly the people, who would visit few churches every Sunday! But in Tonga – it’s not only a mass but the most important social and community time. And the concert! Switch into HD quality and listen.
So we are moving through Tonga! By the ferries, boats, hitch-hiking on some jeeps and sometimes on our 4 big and 4 small feet.