Lake Sevan, tourquise Armenian “sea” | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Lake Sevan, tourquise Armenian “sea”

Caming at Lake Sevan in Armenia

We were coming back at Sevan few times. Cool water on high of 1900 meters will remind us on one hand small snakes on the east coast and on the other fast watercraft on the west.

Armenians say that they don’t need a sea when they have Sevan Lake. But only around the city Sevan the coast is crowded with people. Restaurants with fish, paid beaches and dirty picnic places, where on every wooden table you could see the bottle of vodka. Lake Sevan, weekend destination on all Yerevan.
But it’s enough to drive 15 km north and it starts to be really empty. Started and never finished hotels and camping places and silent nature with no people. – If they love their Sevan so much why on weekend, in August, with beautiful weather, they don’t come here? – we couldn’t stop wondering.
But Sevan is huge: in widest place 56 km, in longest 78 km.

After coming from north, from Georgia, we crossed mountains (with funny roads and long tunnels) and found “our” place at Sevan. Calm, beautiful and not hot, which was a nice change after last weeks. Hanna was catching small frogs but we were afraid of real swimming: there were small venomous snakes around and we were not sure what would they do with us in the water.

After some city days in Yerevan we came back to Sevan, to show it to my father, which came from Poland for few days to visit us and Hanna. Or Hanna and us. We used this opportunity to (such a stupid long-term wish, still from Crimea) try together a recreational watercraft. We tried even twice. Once Tom was steering and I was screaming, second time I had a chance to steer. Fun!

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Leblebou
    Posted April 5, 2011 at 08:12 | Permalink

    Hi i am going on a solo trip to Armenia in may , just wanted to know what is the best way to get from Yerevan to Sevan ? … and if you recommend it :) thank you …

  • Sher
    Posted February 15, 2012 at 11:39 | Permalink

    hey, love your blog! i need some help since you have been to Sevan Lake, what are your suggestion of places to see? My friend is having her wedding there but doesn’t really now much about the place and besides she will be too busy with her own family. And I know that she wont have much time for us so i want to be able to get around with being a burden to anyone.
    Please advise, on where to go what to see. Thanks :)
    PS: your daughter Hanna is just beautiful.


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