Bye bye Baku | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Bye bye Baku

Bottle house in Ganja (Azerbaijan)

So from now on we will go only west. Last meetings with friends, last interview, last car workshop visit… and driving into direction of Georgia. Our visa will expire in two days.

Leaving Baku, the most eastern capital we have visited, was fast but very warm. We were also leaving with a feeling of no fulfillment: we planned to see much more than we finally did (because of crazy temperatures and short visa).

What is interesting in some flats in Baku the water is available only from 9.00. in the evening to 9.00. in the morning. That’s why Tom gave an interview to Azeri blogger Azer Nazarov, without taking a shower.

As the last thing we visited the car workshop, because again our tough Renault Espace had a worse day. And then: goooo. Through crazy dry mountains, hills and plateau (in the middle of the country).

On the way we also had a police adventure but being well trained in Russia we knew exactly what to do, not to be forced to bribe. First of all – always going to the police stand altogether (in 3, with Hanna), even if of course they are against (“wife and baby stay in the car!”). Secondly not being afraid that they will take away immediately your driving license (they really can do this, even for stupid reason but in worst case the second one will drive and we will just continue the fight longer). Thirdly the argument that we have no cash but only credit card is the key argument. They will never do it in the official way, with writing a bill etc, they simply don’t gain from it.

Last nice stop in Azerbaijan was in Ganja, the second city in the country, at Esmira – smiling girl which… speaks Polish. The Ramadan has started, so we ate together only dinner, while breakfast Esmira and her mother where just talking, not eating. As a last thing we still visited a Bottle House, the main (and maybe only) real attraction in Ganja: one guy during war got totally inspired by a house made of bottles which he saw in Iran and decided to build similar one in Ganja. So he did. And because his brother had never came back home from the war – he put his portrait on the walls of the house, hoping that by pictures made by tourists he will one day be found.

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »

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