Hopping from sight to sight
There is so many must-be-seen places in Armenia. And even if crowded and it’s too hot to breath in August, touching those walls from 3rd century we will remember.
There is so many must-be-seen places in Armenia. And even if crowded and it’s too hot to breath in August, touching those walls from 3rd century we will remember.
In the capital of Armenia we spend holidays during our holidays. Hostel of one friend and hotel of another friend gave us days of real relax.
Way back from Nagorny Karabakh to Yerevan was even more windy than way there. Windy and empty. That’s where we met Vladimir.
The road from Yerevan takes time, it’s not so short and curvy (I really feel that I’m pregnant on such a roads). But absolutely beautiful. Sometimes windy and cold, but we are all the time on around 2000 meters.
We were coming back at Sevan few times. Cool water on high of 1900 meters will remind us on one hand small snakes on the east coast and on the other fast watercraft on the west.
And now it’s the time for Armenia! And on the border we are meeting another white car, with Polish number plate and non-Germans living in Berlin. So first Armenian night… in the monastery we will spend together.