Czech Republic | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family

Czech Republic

Ostrava (Czech Republic): Mila listening to Tsigunz Fanfara Avantura; Photo: Thomas Alboth

Colours and music in Ostrava

Czech Republic Likes

2 days and 3 evenings at the Colours Festival in Ostrava was not enough to experience even a small percent of music and atmosphere gathered there, but it’s enough to say few things: old mines, iron and steel constructions can make an amazing charm; we have very cool kids and even if you took part Read More

Sounds and colours of Ostrava

Czech RepublicNews Likes

Some months ago a friend of mine send me a link to the lineup of this festival and from the first second I was sure – we are gonna to be there! And when I started to read more and notice how much kids-friendly + how diverse in music and topics this festival is, I Read More

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