„Miss of White Smile“, „Miss Extra Sugar Free“, „Best Smile of the Island“? Oh come on, ALL the smiles of Fiji are awesome. Let’s copy them? ;)
I really don’t know how are they doing it. If it’s about the structure of the face or what? Fijian smiles are almost always so white, so wide and so warm! And everybody smiles, while saying „hello“ (in Fijian: bula!). And everybody says „hello“!
– The mouth is the gateway to the body and when things go wrong here it affects your social and physical well being – people say there. Well being… Those smiles make this country suddenly even more shiny, more green and more fruity. Would it also happen in Poland or German: if people on the streets would smile – the landscape might change immediately? The Baltic Sea would me more blue? The Tatra mountains brighter? The cities more colourful and inviting?
It’s a bit silly and naive to write it like this. I know. But do the experiment on your own: tomorrow in your towns, on the streets, in the buses and metro – just smile to everyone you meet. Without a reason. Don’t talk, don’t flirt, just smile. Will they smile back? How many not? And – what is more important – how many will? Let me know! Let’s Fijianize the world, at least a little bit! Wanna join the mini-project? ;)
PS. And guys in Fiji are sweet as papayas!
Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
Hi ,
Its is been a wonderful journey for me from past couple of days since i started reading your blog.
And its always been my dream to visit places , get to know people and to learn and teach. Its an amazing trip that you guys are having.
I live in India, i would like you all to visit India sometime.India is also culturally diverse and fun loving place to be in.
Będąc młodą dziewczynką, za dobrym przykładem Gabrysi, bohaterki książek Małgorzaty Musierowicz wysyłałam ESD – czyli Eksperymentalny Sygnał Dobra :) Dalej to robię, choć odzew jest najczęściej mało zachęcający…Dość powiedzieć, że ludzie najczęściej (choć nie zawsze) patrzą podejrzliwie spode łba. Mieszkałam już w paru miejscach na świecie, wiele innych odwiedziłam i muszę powiedzieć, że NIGDZIE – tak, mówię to z pełną odpowiedzialnością – nigdzie, gdzie byłam spontaniczny uśmiech nie powodował tyle podejrzliwości, co w Polsce. Ech, szkoda, ale mam nadzieję, że to się zmieni :)