The goal is easy: in this tiny village we have to find somebody who will give us his boat. Because it seems to be so beautiful here and those birds which you learn about in school are just flying around here.
Heroyske, small Cossack settlement has a monument, salt mine, old church and poor people. Not that easy to find a boat. Villagers are very poor and really not own boat which is able to be used. But at the end, while watching small salt mine, we met a drunk couple which gave us their pontoon. Hanna was a bit bored after a while on the boat but fortunately felt asleep, so we could easier look around and hunt with our lens for pelicans. Heavy grey clouds were hunting on us, so boat adventure was quite short but still worth trying!
And funny thing happened on the way back from Heroyske: on the middle of the road we met… a turtle. Having his slow walk to somewhere. We said hello, took a picture and transport him on the side of the road, just to raise his chances to cross it in this life.

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
Great !!! Short hello to all the Family from Karabakh !! (near Armenia). Hope that all is doing perfectly ! See you soon,
Bring me that turtle!