How to stay over on a trip?
Our last 6 years we spend on hundreds of trips and we spend almost every night somewhere else. Where and how do we sleep? We share our tips with you (and the post is written while couchsurfing in Madagascar;)
Our last 6 years we spend on hundreds of trips and we spend almost every night somewhere else. Where and how do we sleep? We share our tips with you (and the post is written while couchsurfing in Madagascar;)
Did you know that withdrawing money abroad can cost you a lot of money: sometimes for 100 Euros you can pay 10 Euros fees. The same can happens while paying in a shop with your credit card. It probably also already happened to you. You just didn’t notice. We tell you some tricks how avoid this Read More
Christmas soon! Few people have asked us what were the things which we found useful this year. And because we are happing you are asking, we will be happy to share our ideas with you!
For our South Pacific trip we were looking for a small, waterproof camera with a good video quality. So we found with the Rollei Action Cam S50: a good, little, affordable camera. We (and you our dear readers) have to thank Rollei Germany for two things: First of all for this little camera they gave Read More
For our South Pacific trip we had to pack all the luggage in two backpacks. So there was no space for a second laptop. But an additional Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 seemed to be perfect: Extremly powerful battery, an external keybord. Is this the right tool for travel bloggers?
2 adults and 2 little kids? For 4 months? Camping? In cold New Zealand and on hot South Pacific islands? And you have only those 2 backpacks?? – people are asking us. Well, everything had to fit into 2 backpacks. And all had to be light enough to carry it. Let’s have a look inside!
Lately I have shared with you our sad pre-term stories. During that hard time I was thinking (much too much, like any other mother in this situation): if maybe I didn’t simply do too much during pregnancy: too much of sports, too much of travels. But all of the doctors say the same: if the Read More
People do the travelling in many different ways. Some cannot survive without a little iron, some without their favourite CD, some need their beloved pillow. From our perspective there are 10 things without which we would never go on the trip anymore. Just 10.
After telling you HOW do we sleep in our car, now it’s time to tell the story: WHERE. Since I have received quite some questions, maybe it’s good to put it into one post.
Yes, while travelling we really sleep in our car. Sometimes for long weeks. And we love it and we are not tired. That’s, in short, main answers to your questions.
The most popular comment under some media coverage about us (except “wow, that is nice” and “poor kids with irresponsible parents” is: “oh my god, they must be so fuckin’ rich, travelling like this is not available for normal people”. It is, I’m telling you.