What to say? Clean, proper city. With good city port but not much atmosphere. If not counting Russian Black Sea Fleet and hundreds of Russian flags everywhere.
Black Sea Fleet is dominating Sevastopol’s life since more than two hundred years. And just in April they ratified a new treaty extending the Russian navy’s lease of the Sevastopol base for 25 years after 2017. So I guess many many administrative Russian buildings but also coffees and theaters (all with flags) will be there still for a while.
Sevastopol’s harbors have the unique geographic location and navigation conditions which makes it a strategically important naval point.
City is “nice”, don’t really know what to say more. Long city port, with a lot of different spaces for rich Russian tourists, a bit further from the center: Khersones – Greek ruins but… one day was enough for us.
Especially that half of it we spent on looking for… technical spirit. Our car cooker is working with spirit and since the moment our German and Bulgarian bottles are almost over – we have a serious problem. This is a stupid thing which we totally didn’t expect and predict: in all Ukraine you are not able to buy bigger than 100ml bottles of spirit, in pharmacy. And we need 5-6 liters… Because simply people would use it in drinking purposes. The most funny tip we heard was finding an army guy, with “at least two stars”, and ask for help. – They can organize all you need – we heard. Ok, but while not staying longer in one place – waiting for “all you need” will not help.

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
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One Comment
Hi there
If you have a trangia-like spirit burner, you can buy some liquids for barbeque starting. Almost always in supermarkets, sometimes on a gas stations. The word in ukrainian is ROZPALYUVACH. РОЗПАЛЮВАЧ. Arktika brand is not bad. Add 10% of spirit and result will be even better.