Georgian capital is the first place we seriously consider as a place to come back for longer. People, city structure, food – so many people have already told us that Tbilisi is “their place on earth”. Maybe ours too?
City center, just near the Radisson hotel. Driving in the hurry we destroyed our tire on the corner stone. And situation like from some Formula One race: in few seconds two guys were laying on the ground and fixing our wheel. As it would be the most natural thing people do on the streets! Tom’s hands were even not dirty.
Next day: friend of the friend which heard the story about destroyed tire – took us to big market place on the other side of the city to buy the new one. Spending with us half of the day, carrying this tire in his hands, inviting for lunch, then to his house for tea…
First day, first 15 min in Tbilisi: we made a turn which is not allowed. The police stopped us and first question they asked was: oh, is it your baby? Then: is it a boy or girl? Then: And what is her name? Finally: Please don’t do this mistake again. And they took us to our friend’s flat, because we couldn’t find the address.
Every day: we are joking that Hanna will discover much more places in this town than we: in every shop or restaurant – people are taking her on arms and showing kitchen or back rooms. Thanks to this we can eat in calmness, be for a second alone.
And people are smiling on the streets: to us, to Hanna, to each other. Somehow it’s really easy to get in touch with all around.
And the city is green, you can eat fig fruits from balconies, watch the city from different sides from different hills.
One day we visited “Art Festival” in Ethnology Museum, with music from different regions of Georgia. Music with real soul and surprisingly (or maybe just different than in our countries) popular between young people.
Many of foreigners which we met here are people with wide international experience, which were living before in different countries. Almost all of them are sure that Georgia is the place to be, that they feel most comfortable and welcome just here. Interesting: such a common Georgia loving.

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
Well, sounds good! What’s about “finding a job”?
working you mean?