About the beautiful country, about their hobbies, about the money, about their free time, about the past – it’s time to give a space on our blog to the others!
Since 5 years we are travelling and writing for you on our blog about the places we are visiting. Telling you how it is over there, how are the people, what is important. But it’s all our perspective. How we have seen something, how we have understood the people, what appeared as important to us. We were giving a background to it and only sometimes quoting.
„Let the Locals Talk“ is our new series on the blog. We will try to bring you some quotes from each place we visit! We want to show you the places by the people. Hope you will like it!
We start in Georgia! We went for skiing there this winter, have done much more than that plus… we talked. Because we always talk ;)
Georgi, taxi driver in Gudauri
„The traffic jam on the way to Kazbegi is a standard thing. There is always some truck stuck in the mud or snow. Or too slippery for the trucks to go through the mountains, so they have to stand in the line for hours, sometimes days. And me, while having the customers in the car, with them. But it’s ok. I’m not in the hurry. Are you hungry? I bought the fresh bread for you. Lavash. Always good in Caucasus. You want some? And I bought some candies for your kids. We, Georgians, like kids. What I don’t like? The fact that we live just some kilometres from the border with Russia and we need a visa to cross the border. And it costs hell a lot of money. They don’t need visa to come…“
Otari, street seller at the streets of Tbilisi
„It used to be different in Georgia. It used to be better. Everything changed with Saakashvili. They are all KGB. Our dear, old Georgia is gone… And where are you from? Poland? Oh! Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła!”
Georgi, came to Gudauri just for a day trip from Tbilisi
„We are coming often with my friends here. Just to have fun and drink a bit. Yes, those are my summer tires. Dangerous? Ehh! Aaaa, you are from Germany. Germany, Mercedes, cool! Cool that I met you here.“
Iva, professional skier, free rider in the snow, the Georgian face of Red Bull
„I’m a local patriot, I love Gudauri, I love Georgian mountains! I am here always, whenever I can. Being the instructor or a guide through the snow is a very responsible job. But I know our snow, I know each part of those mountains. O, here, I can show you the video when I was skiing on the virgin ground. I had a right to name it with my name. Oh, and here, on the video, you can see how I met little bears, while skiing. Sweet, no? In our sweet mountains!“
Read also about freeride skiing in Gudauri.
Max, the paragliding instructor, from Ukraine
„My father was paragliding expert. I jumped first alone when I was 8. It’s like 12 years ago. But people are still afraid to jump with me, because I look young. And actually I have the longest experience from all guys here. Why did I come to Georgia? It’s a nice country with very nice people. And Ukraine doesn’t have high mountains.“
Ana, coming from Tbilisi to Gudauri just for few hours, to prepare the flat for AirBnB customers
„In the summer we come here for holidays, it’s our second home. Used to be our first one but life in Tbilisi is easier. My son came up with this idea to start renting the flat, when we are not there. I’m a bit afraid, because the neighbours did the same but they gave their flat to some group of students for some days. Was dirty and full of smoke afterwards. But you seem to be different. Do you want the wine? We brought the 5-litres-bottle. Come on, take all. Or at least put some to your little bottle. Cheers! Gaumarjos!“
Johny, the dog in the bar at the middle station of the ski lift in Gudauri
(if only he would talk) „My lady is coming every day from Tbilisi to work in this bar. I like it. Hmm, khinkali… Always somebody give me some food here. Hanna, will you give me khinkali?“
Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
Great idea! Uwielbiam te lokalne smaczki…hmm może to bedzie też dla mnie impuls, żeby w następnej podróży spisywać te skrawki rozmów, tylko jak? Nagrywacie filmy, czy zapamietujecie i na bieżąco notujecie? Dla mnie już robienie zdjęć przy dwójce dzieci jest ogromnym wyczynem!
Ja notuję! I tak, czasem jest to wyczyn :))