It was much easier to drive directly from Turkey to Sofia but we decided to still visit our Black Sea. To say goodbye, to get this last impression. (Attention! I’m getting sentimental)
During last half a year the Black Sea was our good friend and closest neighbor. We saw it, the most blue, from Turkish side, somehow green from Romanian, a bit grey (or was that our mood?) from Russian, with different tint and charm while being in Ukraine, Georgia and Bulgaria. Only piece of Abhazian seaside is a secret for us (we didn’t have enough time to wait for visa…).
Hanna saw the Black Sea more times in her life than her grandparents. She understands the word “sea”, she is watching the horizon and showing with her small hand the line between sea and sky. It’s for her something like for other kids the park nearby home. Often close, visible from the window, touchable.
We couldn’t not to say goodbye to our sea. From Istanbul we took first border crossing and ended up around small town Carevo, at the Bulgarian seaside.
Exactly here, more than 25 years ago, Tom was spending holidays with his parents. They, year by year, were coming back to Arapia camping place. And you know what? Arapia is still existing! Changed a bit, much more houses and shops around, but charm – about which I heard so much from family stories – is the same. Lovely coast line, beach, rocks in the water. Dream place for 5-6 years-old boy to have a holidays adventure. I’m not surprised that small Tom loved this place. Was great to see him checking the paths, telling stories what have happened in which place. What a pity that Hanna is still too small to have memories like this from our trip…
After refreshing childhood memories, we were still driving along the sea line, until Burgas. And this was last minutes with the Black Sea. Then short coffee with a friend and motorway to Sofia.
The circle around the Black Sea is done. The main aim is fulfilled. We are really finishing our trip, half a year is close to be over. When starting we were thinking what those countries which are touching the Black Sea have in common, is there any similarity because of touching the same water, having ferries, exchange? But… our answer is: no. They are completely different. This huge swimming pool between Europe and Asia is sometimes deeper than 2 000 metres. For Turkey – just a water, after attractive Mediterranean Sea seaside. For Russia – the warmest water, with Soci – summer capital of the country. Very crowded is this Black Sea seaside. Crowded with totally different smells and stories. I hope that our clockwise trip around and blog posts and photos, gave you a little bit of those smells.
Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »