Let’s go outside of the town! Lonely Planet recommends Kremenets castle and situated not far from there Pochayiv Monastery. So we jumped into the car, together with Neil, my British friend who came to visit us in Lviv, took chocolates with us and started.
First colorful (“pastel-colored”) villages on the way, then huge memorial of 1st Cavalry Army (no description, we found out on Wiki that this monument is about kicking Polish forced out of Ukraine in 1920) which turned out to be the most interesting part of the day, then small lunch for 4 euros for all of us and those churches with golden copulas. Boys watched a footprint of Virgin Maria and me with Hanna watched people coming into the church complex.
We reached our destination just before the sunset, after 160km driving. “Picturesque Kremenets’ cluster of pastel-colored, weather-beaten churches” was to be honest not so impressing.
Finally small books about the region to be bought at the entrance to fortress changed a bit my perception because Kremenets is Polish Krzemieniec! So all stories about Liceum Krzemienieckie (begging of my Warsaw secondary school!), names of Tadeusz Czacki, Juliusz Slowacki, Hugo Kollataj and other guys this scale showed up. Kind of ignorance but this is a problem when you make a research in English about places which have Polish, well-known for you, names.
We say in Polish “punkt widzenia zalezy od punktu siedzenia”, which means literally “what you see depends on place you look from”, simply saying that everything is relative. That is for sure with guide books and your culture background… From now on I will check Polish sources too!
Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
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