In old shabby Soviet block there is living a family. With no warm water except winter but with warmest hospitality we met until now. Welcome to Crasnoe, tiny town in Transnistria.
Just in the corner of this state, between 3 borders: Ukrainian, Moldovan and Transnistrian, we found a hidden behind garages and gas pipe: lake. Good place to camp. But at the end we didn’t sleep there. We met 3 generation family living in neighborhood around who invited us to stay in their flat.
Nothing better than talks about the politics and social situation of Transnistria with people from there. With home made vodka, chocolate butter (which I know, from 80s in Poland!) and a lot of warmth.
So they really love president Smirnov…
Grandmother Elena is a “naczelnik” (let’s say an executive director) of the factory of bricks, earning 50 dollars a month. The factory is a metal hangar, with small hill of sand, pipe of water, one machine and many rows of drying bricks. 4 men working there: carrying wet and dry bricks from one corner to another. One of the man is her son in law. Her daughter Olga cannot find job. So she is at home with 3-years-old German and 10-years-old Andrei.
Andrei for 2 days was carrying Tom’s camera. Some of photos in this post are his. When we were leaving he told as that he decided about his future and he will be photo-reporter. Can be not easy, because he wants to stay forever in Crasnoe and Transnistria has only on big newspaper. But most important is to have dreams. And maybe our meeting build them a bit..?
First thing which family gave us when we took out their room – was a remote control for the TV. They were deeply shocked that we are not friends with TV and even don’t have one at home.
Second thing was kids games. German has not much toys but he shared the beloved one with Hanna. And that was the moment Hanna was holdng her first plastic gun in life.
Third thing was the women’s idea about blessing Hanna with church water. Actually they mixed up glasses and saint water turned out to be a home made vodka.

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
great pics! the boy has a good eye for this job :) how did you manage with the internet?
Boy is really cool one, we should involve him in EYP one day! We put everything online after coming back to Chisinau…
Amazing blog! AMAZING! I found it accidentally. I saw you had a picture of a brickfactory, i’m a reporter, could I ask you some question regarding your trip? That would be amazing. Please email me. Thank you!