On holidays you have a lot of free time? Right? That’s why I took with me many old newspapers which I didn’t finish reading, small pieces of papers with notes about countries we are going to, few not-started-yet books. because during holidays there is time for reading. Nothing more wrong!
Except travel guide I didn’t touch anything yet. The reason is very easy – everything is just too interesting to put your nose into the book. While driving, even if Tom has a steering wheel – I’m not able to concentrate. Looking all the time around, checking fields and forests, clothes of people and roads signs.
Traveling by car has two great advantages: first of all you are totally independent and can turn into every street you wish, stop whenever you feel like, visit all corners you just heard about. Second one is this all the time changing movie outside of the window. When flying with the plane in few hours you can be in different part of the world, with different climate and colors of skin. And going by car gives you opportunity to see and feel all those changes, kilometer by kilometer.
Even the way local people are looking on your car gives so much!
On the way we are stopping for eating, for playing with Hanna (usually in her seat she is sleeping but if way is longer – breaks are needed), or to check out something which cough our attention. Like sheep cheese makers or lake Calinesti.
And for example just in the middle of Maramures region, which is full of horses, wooden houses and poor people – we passed by Negresti-Oas village. And suddenly it was like somebody would super sized all the houses in every direction. Very very big, shining with gold and silver, with huge windows houses made really strange impression. And some not healthy concurrency is also visible: who will have the biggest one, the highest one, with the most amount of sculptures. Strange place.
[gmap width=’607px’ height=’350px’ marker_lat=’47.8694444′ marker_lon=’23.4241667′ zoom=’6′ type=’G_NORMAL_MAP’]

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »
I think the people from that village were gipsies. Not being rasist, just truth :)
Yes, you must have found a gypsy area. They are famous in Romania for building the biggest, gaudiest houses they can, to broadcast their wealth. It’s silly, but that’s how they are.