Poland helping refugees in Berlin - letter to a refugee | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Letter to a refugee

Poland helping refugees, Messages, Sleeping Bags

During our campaign for the refugees in Berlin, we have already collected so fare more than 1,500 sleeping bags! And most of them had a letter inside. What a letter!

About the campaign I talked already maybe too much and you can read all the information here in English and here in Polish. But today not about the countable results! Or maybe also?

I asked people to give us a sleeping bag, that I could give it to the refugees, who arrive to Berlin and have no real roof above their heads. But I also asked to put the letters inside the bags. I wanted to force people to think a little bit about what they feel, to talk with their kids, wife or father. What I (or rather the refugees) received in those letters – gave me such a kick of positive energy that I simply have to share it with you.

Just have a look!

Thank you. Thank you for helping me to believe in all those feelings again.

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Posted November 4, 2015 at 09:24 | Permalink

    Very interesting and thanks for sharing the post.

  • Posted December 18, 2015 at 12:23 | Permalink

    This is truly a great work. Keep up the good work. The world is seeking such people.

  • Posted April 15, 2016 at 19:48 | Permalink

    Pawel is adventure from Poland searching for happiness. His desire to find my place in this earth prompts me to travel around the Europe, looking for jobs, new friendships and adventures. He decided to describe my crazy stories on his blog dreaming to transform it into travel video blog one day. But he is in trouble now, broke and homless and he needs our help and support. I want to support Pawel, so invite you to visit this website and I also welcome everyone who wants to face the chance to somehow become a part of his project. If You want to help, You can press “donate” button or shere this post with You’re friends


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