Ukrainian “hostels” | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Ukrainian “hostels”

The Hostel in Simferopol (Ukraine; Crimea)

Especially in Crimea, where there is no hostels concurrency, you don’t need much to start one: somebody with a flat which has one-two rooms free, washing machine and wi-fi. And presence online as a “hostel”.

Mr M. is running hostels in Kiev, Odessa, Simferopol and Yalta (and probably in other places too). We visited 2 of them and heard about others enough to be sure: it’s really not so difficult to become a hostel host. Mr M. finds people which want to share their flats with international travelers (twice we met Americans which like Ukrainian girls), make some money deals, start wi-fi in the flat and put an announcement on

Even if not always it’s easy to find such a place (for example 10th floor of grey old building some long minutes car drive from the center of small Simferopol) – it’s still much better and interesting than renting a room from babushka standing on the road. With the same price you have international people, internet, nice atmosphere and guarantee that everything is working well (because real people are simply living in the same flat).

In Odessa it was very friendly Dasha, in Simferopol American-Ukrainian family with small girl, Hanna’s age, in Yalta….

(If anybody needs contacts to them – just let me know!)

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One Comment

  • Posted May 10, 2011 at 22:38 | Permalink

    Discover Ukraine and visit Kiev. If you are looking for cheap accommodation in the centre of Kiev – visit


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