What time is it? What day is it?? After crossing 13 time zones in 2,5 days, not really sleeping and being overexcited, we landed in Auckland, New Zealand. We rent the car at the airport and without the map and driving for the first time ever on the left side of the road – we looked for the house of nice people, we are staying at. A challenge!
Our girls were super cool during those two long flights (11 hours London-Hong Kong and 11 hours Hong Kong-Auckland) . We even didn’t have to use any games or books we had in our hand luggage. They were mostly sleeping, and then eating a bit, hugging a bit and talking a bit, about the planes, Taka Tuka Land and people around.
– You are such a great flyer!! – happily said a guy sitting in front of Mila in the plane, when we landed. – So great! Oh my god, I was so so so afraid seeing such a little lady so close to me. And she… just slept!
All in all, the airport crossing in Auckland also took a while (there is this funny rule that you cannot bring into the country fruits, meat, dirty cookers, tents and many other things, so they wanted to check us well). Then a first experiences with driving on the “wrong” side of the road. How funny it is when Tom is going the opposite direction than all the others, is mistaking the indicators with car blades and cannot get the belt, while looking for it on the left side! But we manageed!
We are staying (sleeping and resting and taking showers finally!) with a lovely Polish-Indian couple with two kids, who just invited us to their place. Great, relaxed time and talks. And what to do on the very first day? We had to jump into the sea! To the Pacific Ocean, I mean. Haven’t touch it for 2 years, last time in Guatemala!
Strong sun, strong wind, beautiful! Girls are happy to be without winter jackets, people on the streets are very helpful, friendly and pretty, sun is shining and we are 24/7 together! Next plan? Pasifika Festival! 2 days a year, when people from all the Pacific islands are coming to Auckland, with their food, music and traditions. And we are at exactly this time here! So we can have already a little smell of Taka Tuka Land (whatever it will be: Tonga, Samoa, Fiji or Vanuatu – still to be decided :).

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »