25 years: no Berlin Wall! | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



25 years: no Berlin Wall!

25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall (Germany)

It’s a beautiful and very important day to be in Berlin. Exactly 25 years ago the Wall fell and today 8,000 light balloons are showing the people the way how the Wall was crossing Berlin: from Bornholmer Str, to Mauerpark, Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate and Checkpoint Charlie.

The temporary installation „Lichtgrenze“ (the border of light) lasted only from Friday evening to Sunday evening and was developed by Christopher Bauder and Marc Bauder.

This weekend is a weekend-to-be in our city. Thousands of people went for a walk on Saturday and Sunday along the „balloons wall“. Some smiling, some looking around, some crying. A very special atmosphere and a very stunning idea of those balloons. And a very difficult topic to talk through with your kids. – What, when and WHY?? – all day long.

On the Bornholmer Strasse bridge we stayed the longest: looking on the long line of balloons, having Alexander Platz in the background. – And you know, Mila? There was this wall and people couldn’t cross it, you know? – Hanna was (of course) explaining Mila the world around. – Like, we couldn’t go to another part of Berlin, to Hania or Maciek! (our friends). Isn’t it crazy? And stupid? – Mila was looking and listening carefully. – And if somebody wanted to cross the wall, they killed him! – Oh nein!! – Mila was emphatic for next few hours. – And you know what else, Mila? This is why our papa has wet eyes now..

(and now we are jumping into the car, because at 7 p.m. all 8,000 light balloons will be freed and will fly up to the sky!!)

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Posted November 10, 2014 at 05:47 | Permalink

    What a powerful and moving article. It’s so great that your kids are asking questions; that’s the only way terrible things won’t happen again – make sure each generation is aware of the past. Thanks for the read.

    • Anna Alboth
      Posted November 19, 2014 at 14:59 | Permalink

      thank you for your comment!!

  • Gosia z Monachium
    Posted November 11, 2014 at 11:56 | Permalink

    Moj 4-letni syn tez mnie zadziwil. Ogladal Sendung mit der Maus o Murze Berlinskim. Chcialam, zeby wylaczyl telewizor, bo mielismy juz wychodzic, a on powiedzial mi: ” Mama, ale ja chce wiedziec, co bylo kiedys.”. Ogladalismy wiec do konca. Musialam mu obiecac, ze jak wrocimy do domu, bedziemy sie bawic w Mur Berlinski. I tak bylo. Po powrocie z wycieczki zbudowalismy mur z lego na caly pokoj. Potem ludziki urzadzily demonstacje, a na koniec zburzylismy mur – co sprawilo mu najwieksza przyjemnosc oczywiscie ;).

    • Anna Alboth
      Posted November 19, 2014 at 15:06 | Permalink

      Najbardziej mi się podoba ludzikowa demonstracja!! :) Pozdrowienia!


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