Some months ago a friend of mine send me a link to the lineup of this festival and from the first second I was sure – we are gonna to be there! And when I started to read more and notice how much kids-friendly + how diverse in music and topics this festival is, I was even more sure. Friday! We are on Colours of Ostrava Festival, in Czech Republic. Who else?
In last years my favourite musicians like ZAZ, Lisa Hanningan, Regina Spektor or Alanis Morissette visited the festival. This year is even cooler, just in few days we are gonna to listen live to Damien Rice and Asaf Avidan!
I’m really looking forward to see Mila’s face when she will hear her favourite songs live (if she is tired in the car, nothing helps more than Asaf Avidan, srsly).
The festival seems to be really nicely organised: we already have booked a place on the camping. And we are very curious about the complex for the kids (children shorter than 140cm enter the festival for free). There are games and contests waiting for them, together with some nice, qualified babysitters (which is veeeeery nice, if you know what I mean).
When I’m checking the programme I really cannot decide what will we do during Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Except the music (sooo many bands and singers, each of them – while checking online – sounds so interesting!), there is also a film stage (funny, there are movies I saw somewhere once, loved them and couldn’t find them anywhere, and now – here we go, I can show it to my friends on the festival!), hundreds of workshops (drumming —- Mila will love it!!! —-, different dances —- this Hanna will love — like Hawaiian, African, street dancing, flamenco etc etc), a busking stage (full equipped stage for a street performances – maybe Tom should apply with the girls to show something, we should take our ukulele!!), a theatre stage (with all you want: drama, cabaret, improvisation, theatrical sitcom, puppets and slapstick theatre).
There are few more things, which makes me like the festival already in advance: it is fully accessible for disable people („colours without borders“), the drinking water is for free and you can rent the bikes to drive around the festival and Ostrava itself (but I’m afraid we wont have enough time for all this).
In few words: I simply cant wait to see this industrial Dolni oblast Vitkovice (btw European Heritage Protected Site where mines, iron and steel-works used to be located), to hear all this music and to meet with many many friends of ours (coming from Germany, Poland and Czech Rep). 4 more days!!
Is anybody else going to be there? Let me know! Lets meet! (And you can be sure we will report a bit from there!) (And this will be a very nice beginning of our… holidays!)
Check it out! http://www.colours.cz/en/

Our first book is out!
We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »