Lake-camping again | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Lake-camping again

Camping at the lake

No no no, we won’t be afraid of the weather, Mila should discover sleeping in the tent, swimming in the lake and playing with the frogs mates!

Longer weekend with my family at the Polish lake (just around 200km east from Berlin) was much better than we expected. We were totally mentally prepared for non-stop rain (isn’t this summer just insane?), had tons of books and games to play with under the roof of the tent but during those 4 days it was raining maybe for 7 minutes.

We were swimming (all of us, Mila including), making boat tours, fishing, mushrooms hunting (Hanna has found a mushroom, really!), running, jumping, cooking those mushrooms and frying those fish, collecting cones, building sand castles, singing and taking. There was absolutely no time for doing nothing and almost no time for pictures.

Lovely, intensive, family time. Nice to again drink coffee with feet in the lake in the morning. Next weekend maybe at the seaside?

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Alicja
    Posted August 11, 2011 at 20:51 | Permalink

    Bardzo lubię śledzić Wasze przygody i oglądać miejsca, które odwiedzacie. Ale chciałabym zwrócić Waszą uwagę na jedną sprawę. Publikujecie zdjęcia swojej córki nago. Sama jestem mamą i jestem przekonana, że tak jak każdemu rodzcowi, zależy Wam na dobru waszych pociech. Te zdjęcia mogą zostać z powodzeniem wykorzystane przez pedofila. Zastanówcie się proszę czy może nie należałoby ich jednak usunąć. Pozdrawiam, Alicja

  • anna.alboth
    Posted August 12, 2011 at 19:07 | Permalink

    Alicjo, dzieki za ten komentarz. Masz racje, usunelismy dwa “najgolensze” zdjecia i bedziemy o tym myslec wiecej. Pozdrowienia!


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