Month: October 2014 | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family

Monthly Archives: October 2014

Vanuatu (Malekula, Atchin Island): Kindergarten, Children and teacher

In the kindergarten in Vanuatu

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Best company for little kids? Other little kids! Dream place for little kids? Full of toys for kids. During our trip Hanna and Mila were missing their kindergarten in Berlin. So we found a substitute for it: a little island kindi!

Atchin (Vanuatu, Malekula): Hanna and her pirate friends

Just…living in Vanuatu

South PacificVanuatu Likes

So… we had in our hands a little paper with name „Saraken“. We knew he lives on the Atchin island (which is close to Malekula island in Vanuatu) and that his daughter Rachel works in Port Vila in a hotel. We knew he lives with his wife and little Nanneth, daughter of Rachel. And we Read More

Rollei Action Cam S50 - On our family trip

Rollei S50: Our little Action Cam in the South Pacific

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For our South Pacific trip we were looking for a small, waterproof camera with a good video quality. So we found with the Rollei Action Cam S50: a good, little, affordable camera. We (and you our dear readers) have to thank Rollei Germany for two things: First of all for this little camera they gave Read More

On the Vanuatu Ferry going between: Port Villa - Malekula - Santo

Vanuatu: go further

South PacificVanuatu Likes

The main island of Vanuatu: Efate, can be beautiful but can get also boring. We wanted to leave it as fast as possible, but we couldn’t.

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