See you next year!!
Just a short: HAPPY NEW YEAR for you all! We are very happy to have so many readers and want to make a little summery of this year 2013.
Just a short: HAPPY NEW YEAR for you all! We are very happy to have so many readers and want to make a little summery of this year 2013.
Christmas in Poland is one of the beautiful things, connected with marrying a Polish girl. I am from Germany, to be more correct East Germany, where Christmas was totally demystified. An angel was called end of year character with wings and Christmas Jahresendfest – end of year celebration. Whooohooo. Do you feel the marxist romanticism? Read More
A lot of people, usually no facilities for changing diapers, often delays or cancellations. We do love trains, also with kids. Do you?
We love printing our pictures! To hang them, to cut, to make our own special photo albums. And we are very happy we can give you (ALL OF YOU!) this present: prints of your pictures for free.
Let’s start with the plane. In next posts from series „trip-with-kid“ will be about travelling by train, by car, on foot. But plane usually scares parent’s the most. So many hours, so many people. So what?
Bringing home a beautiful Danish girl, who will sleep half-naked in our room? No no, this would be too much ;) But Danish couple, or Palestinian family or brothers from Chile – yes yes, we really love the couchsurfing idea.
All the time people around, telling you what to do, eating up your chocolate?? Awful this living with other people ;)