Month: September 2013 | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family

Monthly Archives: September 2013

Bosnia: Srebrenik Fortress - an amazing view; Photo: Thomas Alboth

“Dobro došli u” Federation

Bosnia Likes

Almost exactly half of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina is called Federation. This one, in contrast to Republika Srpska, is mainly inhabited mainly by Bosniaks and Croats.

The right place to stop

Find the right place to sleep

travel tips Likes

After telling you HOW do we sleep in our car, now it’s time to tell the story: WHERE. Since I have received quite some questions, maybe it’s good to put it into one post. 

Republika Srbska (Bosnia): Animal at the Vrbas river ; Photo: Thomas Alboth

“Добро дошли у” Republika Srpska

Bosnia Likes

Is it a butterfly or a dragonfly? What flag do they have here? And in what country will we wake up tomorrow? – Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska (where we started) is not the easiest place to be with, a 4-year-old, asking about everything around, girl. Not easy to find your own answers, not Read More

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