Sponsors | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family


Thank you to our sponsors and partners who supported our last trips. If you are interested in cooperating with our travel blog, please contact us.

family travel blog and panasonic lumix cooperation

Faces of the campaign: Panasonic Lumix G7

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Who would ever expect that? A Polish and a German blogger as a face of world-wide campaign for a world-wide-known company? Things like this can happen only if you really do what you love!

Rollei Action Cam S50 - On our family trip

Rollei S50: Our little Action Cam in the South Pacific

equipmentSponsors Likes

For our South Pacific trip we were looking for a small, waterproof camera with a good video quality. So we found with the Rollei Action Cam S50: a good, little, affordable camera. We (and you our dear readers) have to thank Rollei Germany for two things: First of all for this little camera they gave Read More

Watching movie on tablet / travel, Lenovo Yoga Tablet

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 – a good travel mate

equipmentSponsors Likes

For our South Pacific trip we had to pack all the luggage in two backpacks. So there was no space for a second laptop. But an additional Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 seemed to be perfect: Extremly powerful battery, an external keybord. Is this the right tool for travel bloggers?

pixum.de - beste fotos, fotobücher, bilder online

pixum.de: photo prints

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We found pixum photo looking for the right partner for printing our pictures for our first photo exhibition in Berlin. And we were very happy, we did it with pixum.

Alpinus und die Familie ohne Grenzen


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Alpinus is THE outdoor brand in Poland, which I (Anna) still remember from the scouts’ camps in my youth. Who had a sleeping bag or a rucksack from Alpinus – was simply cool! Now we were honoured to join an Alpinus Testing Team. That means that during our next trip we will use quite some things with a small pink logo.


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Globetrotter.de is biggest outdoor shop in Europe – founded by the traveler and journalist: Klaus Denart. He made some hardcore trips. And when his daughters were tree and four years old, he also started in 1968 a 3-years long family journey trough Africa. Globetrotter is the place to go, when you want to start a big trip.

Römer-Britax: Kindersitze und Hannd

Britax Römer – The kids seat expert

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A baby car seat of Britax Römer was one of the things we really wanted for our last trip. Since we were on a road for 20,000 km, Hanna spent quite some time in this car seat. That’s why the it had to be good, comfortable and save. The one we had before did not exactly match these criteria.

Tuli Baby Trage

Tuli carrier

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One day we have received a package from a Tuli company: an ergonomic carrier to carry Hanna during our trips. Very sweet and useful present.

Fjord Nansen: Kinderrucksack auf dem Mt. Hoverla (Ukraine)

Fjord Nansen

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Our first big friend still in 2010 was a travelers’ shop HORYZONT which supported us with backpack to carry Hanna for our Around The Black Sea Trip. Especially our mountains walks we couldn’t imagine without it.

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