In February we will take part in the competition for travelers where the first prize is a sponsorship of the next trip. We are planning to visit another 8 countries during another 6 months of 2011. This time with our two small girls: Hanna and Mila. You can help us by a simple vote online. Read More
Next trip in 2011 we will make already in 4. Ladies and gentleman: small Mila is already with us! Central America – we are coming to you in autumn with two sweet girls!
Very soon the second daughter will join our family. New year, new baby and… we are starting to plan our new next trip. Ladies and gentleman, in 2011 we will travel to…
Checking statistics of our blog from time to time we discovered that already in more than 120 countries we have friends and readers. Great, especially that this year we are planning another 6-month-long trip and more and more contacts and tips will be very welcome. Do you know other people which can be interested in Read More
We’ve got a second place in the competition for best traveling blog 2010 in Poland! The competition organized by portal was for us nothing about prize. We are simply happy that so many people voted for us!
Was an amazing time. 9 countries, 6 months and 3 people (including our 1 sweet baby). We met the Gypsy King in Moldova, became good friends with a poor family in autonomous republic Transnistria, fell in love with Crimean landscape, hated corrupted Russian police, had a good rest in Chechenyan villages in Georgia, melt in Read More