Rollei Action Cam S50 - A good GoPro alternative tested | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Rollei S50: Our little Action Cam in the South Pacific

Rollei Action Cam S50 - On our family trip

For our South Pacific trip we were looking for a small, waterproof camera with a good video quality. So we found with the Rollei Action Cam S50: a good, little, affordable camera.

We (and you our dear readers) have to thank Rollei Germany for two things: First of all for this little camera they gave us and secondly that they forced us a bit to post videos. Without this sweet, little pressure we probably wouldn’t have started making movies, because the editing was really time consuming in the beginning. But so many readers really love our videos. Thank you Rollei!

Here are some of the Videos we made with the Rollei Action Cam S50 and the Canon 6D:

From New Zealand

From Tonga

Hitchhiking on a sailing yacht from Tonga to Fiji (South Pacific)

This little Action Cam was especially useful for shots while walking, swimming, diving. The quality is amazing (as you maybe can see). Since it’s really little, you can just put the camera in your pocket wherever you go. Also our little daughter Mila liked to make pictures with the small camera. Good was also that you always could watch, film and make pictures at the same time (better than GoPro Hero3).

What I (Tom) don’t like so too much about the S50 was the low quality of sound recording (GoPro is better), the colour handling of underwater shots (too greenish) and that there was no external loader for the batteries included (but you can buy it here).

But still a nice little Action Cam an definitely cheeper than GoPro. The price for the GoPro Hero4 Black is 180 Euro higher than for the newewst Rollei 7s – both with an amazing 4K Cinema Video Resolution.

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »

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