Refugees, taking action part 2! Call for… laptops! | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Refugees, taking action part 2! Call for… laptops!

Laptop for Refugees - Donate

Already… 62 cars full of things came to our flat in Berlin in last months. And I dare to ask you for more.It all started with sleeping bags. For our call for spontaneous action in September – hundreds of people have answered. We had more than 60 places in whole Poland: bars, libraries, cafes and schools collecting things for the refugees in Berlin and then many amazing people driving to me to bring it. We collected more than 3000 sleeping bags in the times, when they were the most needed (most of them with amazing letters!!).

Then, the needs changed a bit: we started to collect warm jackets, winter boots, hats, scarfs and gloves, and gave all those tons to the refugees waiting in the lines all nights in Berlin.

Then, some organisations collected cosmetics, some people brought sweets, some came to me with the toys. Since I’m in contact with few of the refugees’ camps in Berlin – I always found a right place for all the donations.

But I also always tried to listen to the needs and be able to answer you what is exactly when needed where. So here we go with the next idea!

Many of the refugees we met in last 6 months in Berlin: already have a place to stay under some roof (in the shelter, refugee camp or in some flat). They are warm and they have food. Almost all of them is on the intense German courses. Almost none of them have a permit to leave Berlin or to… work.

And when I spend the time with them, visit them in their “new homes”, look around and think “how can I help” —> I came out with the new idea. What do I need in my everyday life? What helps ME in communication or getting new jobs? My laptop, of course. And none of the refugees around me own a laptop.

So, we do it in 4 steps:
1. Collecting old, not needed (but still working) old laptops all over Poland and in Berlin (come on, if you have a new one, why should you have your old one in the cellar, if somebody can use it?!?)
2. Making a work-shop weekend in April, in the office of Tom’s company undkonsorten, where all the IT guys and girls from Berlin will do their best to reinstall the old laptops and make them run. If you still have a license for Windows, please put also add a paper with the key.
3. Installing the useful programmes: for learning German and English, for graphics, for all we will get from the companies.
4. Giving them to the refugees!

As simple as it is!

We already have 20 of them! Now we wait for more!

You can bring one to:
Warszawa: cafe Państwo Miasto
Kraków: Spółdzielnia Ogniwo
Poznań: office of Migrant Point Info
SzczecinOśrodek Teatralny KANA

(In few other cities of Poland my friends tried to find a collection place – but owners of cafes or bars where… afraid of doing something like this. Which is CRAZY. So if any of you would like to organise another place in your town – just let me know and I will add it to this list and promote!)

Berlin: in our flat;) 

Or just send it to us (from anyyyyyywhere!)

Thanks guys! With you everything is possible, really.

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Sarah
    Posted March 15, 2016 at 01:37 | Permalink

    Brussels? Such a good initiative.
    One other advice: why not installing Linux on the computers? It’s free, open source and works even on very old computers.

    • Posted March 22, 2016 at 10:30 | Permalink

      ThanX Sarah. Actually we are thinking about Linux or Chrome as an operating system. But people are used to Windows much more so it would be easiert.

  • Carlos Peláez
    Posted July 13, 2016 at 05:09 | Permalink

    I wish to help, but I live in México City and do not know were can go to deliver my old computer.


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