Challenge accepted: With the wheelchair to Barcelona (Spain) | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family



Challenge accepted!


The Family Without Borders? Writing about travelling and about the family? And about crossing the borders? Let’s check it out.

Today Tom’s parents are taking the girls to their house for some days. They will ski together and have an intense grandparents-grand kids time. And I will use this chance and have an intense time with… my dear brother (do you remember Kuba and some stories about him?). It really hurts me that we are not living in the same city, that we can’t spend as much time together as we used to. And when we are in Warsaw, there are also my girls around, girls, who are very sweet but also eating up all the attention.

So now it’s time, just for us. I promised Kuba that we will have this few days, still before our big trip. And I decided for… Barcelona! Haven’t been there for ages, it’s a lovely place and it’s warmer than Poland or Germany now (other ok options were in Scandinavia, but I wouldn’t manage with deep snow and wheelchair!). The flights from Berlin were super cheap, so… Barcelona, here we come, on Sunday!

I wish to show Kuba my way of travelling. Not planning too much, staying at friends of friends, flying with the wind. Unfortunately my friends are right now not there, so I have sent some couchsurfing requests. Let’s see if anyone will accept a family…without borders ;)

Do you have any nice friends in Barcelona? Or maybe do you know any nice places, without too many stairs (I’m a strong girl, but Kuba’s wheelchair is also.. a strong competitor).

Anyways, please keep your fingers crossed and I will keep you updated!

I already can’t wait for those days in a perfect company. We have never took a plane together. Challenges, challenges!

This post is also available in: Polish

Our first book is out!

We have published our first book (for now just in Polish:) about our Central America Trip.
See, read and order here »


  • Kasia
    Posted February 7, 2014 at 09:56 | Permalink

    Ania, Ty jesteś chyba jakimś aniołem! Podziwiam za siłę, upór, odwagę do przełamywania (wręcz miażdżenia!) barier. Gdybym tylko miała znajomych w Barcelonie, albo znajomych znajomych, ale prędzej mi do tej Skandynawi, z tonami śniegu…Bawcie się przecudownie! Uściski dla najsłynniejszego blogobrata bez granic :) Pozdrawiam z szaroburego Torunia.

    • Anna Alboth
      Posted February 7, 2014 at 10:52 | Permalink

      Ani trochę nie jestem, mówię Ci. Po prostu nie mamy, gdzie tam spać, więc szukam kontaktów :)) Ale dzięki za miłe słowa. Silny i odważny to Kuba jest, że się godzi na takie wariactwa :) Pozdrowienia do Torunia!

      • Kasia
        Posted February 7, 2014 at 11:39 | Permalink

        Hehe, nie o spanie mi w tym anielstwie chodziło, tylko o całokształt przedsięwzięcia:) Po prostu świetna z Ciebie siostra. mutne, ale ni ekażdemu by się chciało…Bo to trudno, bo nie dam rady, bo za ciężko…Zatem łam bariry nadal! W sobie i w nas:)

        • Kasia
          Posted February 7, 2014 at 11:40 | Permalink

          O matko, przepraszam, nie wiem, w jakim języku mi się to napisało…Coś mi pozjadało litery!

  • Posted February 7, 2014 at 11:25 | Permalink

    Oooh, Barcelona it’s an amazing and friendly place, have a fun!

  • Hanka
    Posted February 7, 2014 at 11:25 | Permalink

    Polacam zajrzeć na bloga mojej koleżanki – myślę, ze chętnie coś podpowie. Jesteś niesamowita!

  • Asia
    Posted February 7, 2014 at 18:35 | Permalink

    Ania, jestes zajebista!!! I powiem Ci, ze strasznie zazdroszcze Ci, ze masz brata tak relatywnie niedaleko – moja mama (jedyna babcia moich dziewczyn) i moj kochany brat mieszkaja w PL, a ja w stanach… a ten dystans robi swoje. Buziaki dla Was i powodzenia!!!!! A jak bedziecie w US zapraszam na moja kanape – nasze dziewczynki fajnie by sie pobawily (moje maja 6 i 2 latka, czyli w sam raz na kumpelki dla Twoich:)).

    • Posted February 7, 2014 at 18:45 | Permalink

      Racja! Relatywnie nie jest źle! Dzięki za buziaki i zapisuję sobie, że mamy kanapę. A gdzie w US? :)

      • Asia
        Posted February 8, 2014 at 19:15 | Permalink

        Pittsburgh, PA :)

        • Anna Alboth
          Posted February 13, 2014 at 16:21 | Permalink



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