Month: April 2015 | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family

Monthly Archives: April 2015

5 years of traveling - traveling family kid

5 Years of Traveling Life

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Today is a big day! Since exactly 5 years we are sharing our travel stories with the world. 30+ countries, some for a week, some for a month, as a family: mama journalist, papa photographer, little brave Hanna and little sweet Mila.

Photography light tutorial

Photography tips: Think About Light

photography tips Likes

Just imagine a beautiful sunset on the beach and your sweetheart wants to have a romantic, good looking facebook profile picture. Attention – think first! Because light wise this is a tricky situation. What to do?

Tblissi (Georgia) Trip, Innova Café cooles cafe

Tbilisi: the coolest bar in the coolest city

Georgia Likes

Tbilisi is our old love. And while visiting “our” old places, we found out a very cool restaurant. As you might know, we are usually those, who can eat whatever and wherever. But this place is really worth a visit!

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