Month: March 2013 | The Family Without Borders

The Family Without Borders

The Travelling family

Monthly Archives: March 2013

Hanna and Tom Skiing in the Alps (Lech, Arlberg, Austria)

Into the clouds

Austria Likes

On the way to Austria, Hanna was mixing up the word „mountains“ (in Polish: góry) with word „clouds“ (in Polish: chmury). – When will we finally reach the clouds?! – she was asking.

Video: Some ski, some don't

Some ski, some don’t

AustriaVideo Likes

Other’s are skiing, snowboarding, cross county ski and Mila? She is eating her cookie. The video is made in Lech (Austria). We have received an interesting present: the phone Nokia 808 Pure View, so it seems that it’s time to start learning how to make a video. This is the very first one. Watch all Read More

Our photo exhibition in the Globetrotter outdoor market Berlin; Prints by

Globetrotter exhibition

Berlin Likes

photos made by phone Nokia 808 PureView Wuuuuhuuu, our pictures are available to be watched for the whole March in Berlin! And not in a random place, but in the Globetrotter shop, a huge paradise for travellers.

Sharing stories: Gryfino and Poznań

News Likes

photo made by phone Nokia 808 PureView Our small włóczykij Mila (‘włóczykij’ means ‘tramp’ in Polish) surprised us during the Włóczykij Festival in Gryfino, the biggest travelers’ festival in Poland. - beste fotos, fotobücher, bilder online photo prints

Sponsors Likes

We found pixum photo looking for the right partner for printing our pictures for our first photo exhibition in Berlin. And we were very happy, we did it with pixum.

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